We all know that celebrating International Study Abroad Day in person may or may not be possible. But we also know virtual events CAN be fun. Here are some ideas for celebrating virtually—everything from a photo contest on social media to a Study Abroad storytelling night on Zoom!
From a Social Media Takeover to Zoom Events, We Have Ideas for You!
- Coordinate a study abroad student Social Media Take-over for the day on your institution’s account
- Have community members, business owners, civil servants who have studied abroad or have had dependents study abroad make public comments, share on social media
- Have returnee students write “words of wisdom” for the next group to go abroad. Post the comments publicly
- Conduct virtual classroom visits and presentations
- Listen to an episode of “STAMPED-The Study Abroad Podcast” – you could also consider hosting a Zoom discussion about the episode with students, and/or friends/colleagues related to diversity abroad
- Ask the campus newspaper to do exclusive coverage or a significant portion of that day’s/week’s edition dedicated to Education Abroad. Similarly, ask the campus TV station, radio station to get involved
- Set up a photo contest through social media – e.g. facilitate voting through Facebook
- Share alumni and returnee stories through social media, or invite them to share themselves with an inviting post, be sure to use #StudyAbroadDay
- Encourage and ask student organizations, other departments like language departments to get involved and join you in celebrating, or to celebrate in their own way
- Share exchange student experiences on Instagram, TikTock, or website with the hashtag #studyabroadday
- Create a specific social media handle or # at your institution/organization
- Ask faculty to share about their study abroad experience during their classroom discussions
- Create a Zoom background using Study Abroad Day branding and/or photos from your students & programs. Share with staff and study abroad alumni to use on the day!
- Put on a Study Abroad Show & Tell Event
- Have a Study Abroad Fair
- Host a Game Show like Jeopardy or Family Feud over Zoom
- Host a lecture series evening about International opportunities
- Ask your university president or leadership of the organization to create a video for the website/social media
- Host a joint Career Development – Study Abroad Event… we all know the overlap and benefits!!
- Create a social media filter that shows students in popular international settings and encourage students to participate
- Highlight a faculty member(s) in each department that are open to discussing Study Abroad with students
- Host a joint virtual session with Financial Aid to discuss Financial Literary and Study Abroad: Paying and applying for scholarships
- Storytelling Night with stories from Study Abroad: Reach out specifically to study abroad students, faculty and staff who have studied abroad or led programs abroad. Post on newsletter(s) to recruit storytellers and announce event, and create a sign up form where students list availability and a brief description of their story
- Visit the Intercultural Learning Hub (HubICL) for intercultural learning resources. Those who have not previously used it will be prompted to create a free account to gain access to the materials with the “study abroad” tag
- Informational social for study abroad alumni (students, faculty and staff)
- Provide an “I studied abroad, ask me about my experience” office sign to staff and faculty who have studied abroad for display in their offices. -Send signs electronically for them to print, or put signs in intercampus mail
- Check out the Virtual Study Abroad Events LinkedIn group