Big Celebration at IUP

China: Submitted by Matt Hiles, IUP

Graduate Assistant Maggie Reeger in the Education Abroad Office at Indiana University Pennsylvania, having studied abroad as an undergraduate, has a “deep appreciation for international education and the benefits that come from living internationally.” She is excited to share what IUP has in store with a big celebration to promote education abroad.

Austria: Submitted by Brooke Henshaw, IUP

“We are having a travel photo contest, where students can submit photos they’ve taken on their travels. Voting takes place on [Study Abroad Day] at our Coffee & Donuts Meet ‘n Greet. We will have the photo contest submissions on display for voting, and the 1st and 2nd place winners receive a prize basket. There will be coffee, donuts, giveaways, and lots of information about our education abroad and National Student Exchange programs!”

Additionally, they will also have an information table in the library, display a Study Abroad Day flyer in the campus dining hall next to the international food station, and promote on Instagram. Finally, they will have another information table set up in the IUP Oak Grove with a sign students can write on answering the prompt “Study abroad is important because…”

“Study Abroad Day has given our office the opportunity and motivation to plan a big promotion of education abroad.” She reports their office has been very resilient and adaptive over the last couple of years. They’ve embraced Zoom as they transitioned to more virtual meetings and workshops. They are hoping for a positive response and increased student-office interaction. They have even hired a social media manager to boost their impact on Instagram, so they hope to reach more students than ever!

Germany: Submitted by Nina Ledbetter, IUP

IUP students have been very patient and understanding. For example, two of IUP’s peer advisors studied abroad during Spring 2020, and had to leave their host countries early because of the pandemic. Despite this disappointing challenge, they are both huge advocates for study abroad and share positive memories of their time there.

Maggie wants her campus community to know that study abroad is for all students in any major with programs that fit their students’ interests and give them an incredible experience of living and studying away. “Study Abroad Day is a valuable platform for colleges and universities to celebrate education abroad all on the same day and give it a wider audience.”

Happy Study Abroad Day, Maggie and IUP!

[Photos are some of the submissions they have received for this year’s photo contest – feature photo Belgium: Maggie Reeger]

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